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Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Order Personalized Gift Online?

Send your high-resolution image by e-mail to
Include your name, shipping address, phone, and e-mail.
Describe the product you would like and note any special cropping or design requests.

Please also inform us when you would like to pick it up or we can ship.

How Can I Contact Treasured Memories About my Personalized Gift Idea?

Call toll-free (866) 399-2896 or locally 307-587-4832, e-mail: or send a message on Facebook.

Can You Just Copy My Image from Facebook?

Yes, in some cases. Generally, images on Facebook are very low resolution and do not present the best image for our high-quality sublimation surfaces.

Can I Design and Add Text to the Personalized Gift?

Yes, just be sure to contact Treasured Memories first for template or dimensions. A 1/8 inch bleed is necessary for most products.

How Long Does it Take to Make My Personalized Gift?

If the blank product is in stock, the Personalized Gift could be made while you wait. However, design and testing may be required for some products for the best results. In addition, creating sublimation products requires heating a press like an oven. When time is available, we like to batch and create a few items at the same time. If ordering the product is required, it generally takes a week.

Can You Ship My Personalized Gift to Me By Mail?

Yes, we can ship Personalized Gifts to you or the recipient. The shipping costs will be added to your bill and need to be paid in advance.